Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?

Looking for recommendations that would fit this description. In the $4k to $8k range. Thanks.
WLM La Scala's. Big sounding, lush, organic. You can even tune the bass and treble. Great speakers.
Sonus Faber warm and lush? Sorry Tonykay but a buddy of mine has the Cremonas and I wouldn't describe them as warm rich and lush. Their not bright by any means but definetely not warm and lush. They are very nice looking thats for damn sure :)
i have the Sonus Faber Cemora M's coupled with Pathos integrateds and they are great. They give you a great sense for the feel and flow of whatever you're listening to. They do alot of things well and work well with Pathos, but I'm sure they would work well with various amps and preamps.