Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year

Wow! The envelope said “Dept of Revenue” so I figured it may be my car tags due. I opened the envelope to find a statement that I owed $665 for “use tax” on an amp I bought last year in June.  Shocked is an understatement. Yes, I bought a used amp from a guy in Canada through A’gon. But I paid the tariff on it. Now they also want tax.  However, the amount they are basing it on is over double what I paid for the amp. But had to send it to Don Sachs for repair a few months later. So I wonder if they are seeing that as a separate purchase rather than a repair. They even charged me $43 interest which is more ridiculous IMO.
So the question...Are you required  to pay tax on a used amp or other used  items? Has anyone else encountered this? Yes, I know the states are cracking down on the sales tax. But on used items? Wow

Remember the Democrats Utopia: You will own nothing, and be happy. 

Can't get there in one fell swoop. Have to tax it away a little at a time, so people won't figure out that is what is going on. 
The kicker is CA is the 5th LARGEST economy in the world. 9.75% TAX. Do you know how much money that is?

WAY to much for CA mathematicians.. For some reason.. There is so much money they can’t even count it..

I could see 2% and balance the budget. BUT they are still spending more than they are taking in.. JAIL..

Two of the largest economies in the WORLD. The US and CA and there still isn’t enough money to fill their pockets and pay our bills. How broke is that.. ANYONE else doing that would go to jail, Unless your Chrysler, GM, an Insurance company or a Savings and Loan company.. GIVE the CEOs a pat on the back and a 20 million dollar bonus..

Capitalism is the pinnacle of Western civilization.

CRONY Capitalism is the pinnacle of SATAN.. That's right "The LOVE of money", NOT MONEY..

How do you charge taxes on land that YOU own and don’t even have a road to get you there..

50% of the land in CA was taken BACK by CA after they initiated LAND taxes. 50%.

No improvements and STILL taxed..

Which one was that? Taxation without Representation. Caused quit the TEA PARTY December 16 1773.

A corporate tax to boot.. 3 pence on every pound of tea.. WHO sponsored the revolution?

BUSINESS PEOPLE!! That could add and subtract.. A long forgotten art.. Simple MATH, what a concept.. If you don’t got it, you can’t spend it..
If you don’t work for it you don’t get paid. No work, No EAT!

Weather it’s inspiration or desperation, it is still motivation. HUNGER works.. I’ll feed ya, until I don’t.
