New Raven Audio CeLest Monitor coming this fall.

I spent over an hour on the phone with my friend James Connell just talking audio stuff and about life in general. If you ever get a chance to get Jame, Bryant or Raven Dave on the phone they are fascinating people and have accomplished such amazing things in the face of adversity and a pandemic.

SoI called to thank James for fixing up a Blackhawk 3.1 I bought on the used market that had some issues from the previous owner. We got to talking about the CeLest towers that I own and James dropped that they are coming out with a CeLest 2Way Monitor and it will be available in the late summer/early fall.
I told James I was really interested and would love to get pair to send to my son at Norte Dame (PHD Candidate). He said I will do you one better. He is going to send the prototype CeLest Monitor to live with me for a couple of weeks to review. How cool is that?

He asked me to run it through the full gambit of gear I have and share the result, well here.

So I should have them in a few weeks when I come in off my Central American Tour.

More to come.
I'd love to hear about them! Is Raven going to pull off a two-way capable of being powered by their lower watt tube amps?

More importantly, can they possibly compete with Tekton? (Inside joke for our Tekton fanboy who, for some reason, didn't buy a Raven tower to go with his Raven amp.)
These look interesting and the price is reasonable. I've been entertaining the thought of different speakers. Currently have B&W 606 S2s and after an excruciating amount of time trying to get my bass right with the pair of RELs I am able to enjoy them pretty well but feel they're lacking a bit. I really need to do some research as my experience with mid to hi fi is limited and I have little experience actually hearing many differnt mfgs much less different types like horns or planars. I live in the far north woods of Michigan and it's a 4 hour drive to anyplace that carries hi end stuff and even then it's limited. 
@hilde45 Funny and we did talk about other speakers and their approach. James knows those guys at Tekton quite well. 
Yes the CeLest Monitor and the Tower are designed to match with the Raven Avian Series IA. The monitor being a 2 Way design will have a less complex crossover than the tower. James goal with the CeLest series is to have a great all around speaker.

@dadork Where in Michigan? I was born in Sault. Ste. Marie. and moved to Chicago when I was 12. Spent summers after moving to Chi fishing Lake Superior, St Mary river and Huron. Have family in Mackinaw also.

Yes it must be tough getting to listen to anything, lo, mid or hi being 4 hours from the city. 
Guess you need to find retailers with generous return policies like Music Direct (not a fan) Upscale Audio (like them) or guys you can trust.

Best regards

Living in Cheboygan and for the most still love it. It's only in situations such as this or finding a decent restaurant without a 50 mile drive that I get frustrated. I'm a painting contractor who moved here from Georgia 20 years ago/ In this business I've probably seen more of the state above Gaylord than many people who grew up here. It's absolutely beautiful. Done quite a few jobs in Mac City and hoping to land a new house paint on the island. 

I had a difficult time getting my RELs set up and even finding an audio pro is impossible.