Can a Classe SSP replace a dedicated stereo pre?

Hi everyone! I appreciate the opinions and knowledge on this forum and I've been reading a while. 

I am looking to move laterally from a 2-channel setup to a basic 5.1 surround setup, as my listening does involve TV and movies. Most of my sources are digital.

My current setup involves a sabaj d5 DAC, a Modwright SWL 9.0se preamp, Odyssey Khartago extreme monoblocks, and some excellent DIY 3-way speakers.

I couldn't be happier with this for two channel listening. 

In my research for multichannel pres/avrs, I heard most people saying that the only ones that sound really good for stereo are ones made by Classe, Krell and Bryston within my budget. I'm really hoping to simplify my setup and not have to use ht bypass, switch between two preamps etc.

I've made an offer for a Classe SSP sigma. Do you think this could potentially replace my Modwright without losing much SQ?

Thank you!
But not just any AVP, I’m trying to ask about a Classe product that was designed with 2 channel in priority and not surround?
Yeah, but you’re still replacing a well-regarded tube pre with the preamp section of a solid state AVP.  All I’ll say is be prepared for a different type of sound.  Better or worse? That’s purely dependent on your tastes, but I’d say the Classe is facing an uphill battle.  The good news is that if you find you prefer the ModWright you can just keep it and use its HT bypass to incorporate the Classe and have the best of both worlds, albeit with just a tad bit less simplicity.

I have an SSP-800 for the HT in one room and dedicated two channel in another. They sound much different - but both of them sound good.
It very well could it is all in how the pre interface with the rest of your gear and in fact it may sound better because of how it fits in your system.
Thank you so much for all of your help! I've now been running a Classe Sigma SSP for about two weeks, and I absolutely love it for both two channel and surround. I A/Bed against my Modwright SWL 9.0SE for pure 2-channel and honestly, sounds just as good in bypass mode. 

I do prefer my Sabaj D5 DAC to the in-built DAC, but it's a small upgrade. I use that for stereo music from digital sources.

Movie soundtracks absolutely come to life with this (which is really important for me), and dialog clarity is pretty phenomenal too. I think it's a very relevant option for people even today who want to combine 2 and 5 channels using just single digital sources, and not having to deal with ht bypass.

I run 4k content only, and I'm able to get around the older HDMI issues by just using a HDMI matrix, so I didn't need the MK2.

Hope this helps someone else on the fence!