It’s like trying to give a cop a ticket for Reckless Driving. AFTER they drove through 5 stop signs, didn’t use a turn signal for 12 turns AND then parked on the wrong side of the road, while STARING at their center console. NEVER once noticing EVERY citizen in the country HURDING their vehicle the same exact way..
EXAMPLE being, when people SEE people in authority ABUSE their authority, you get what you LET HAPPEN..
How many people are still doing time behind CANNABIS that were arrested by some drunkin’ A$$ who will probably go home and abuse someone else..
The good PEOPLE get corrupted by SO MANY cowardly actions and cowardly laws. VICE law enforcement is a haven for corrupt PEOPLE..
You regulate VICE, period, with reasonable taxes, SAEFTY and a HARM reduction policy to the citizen. NOT TO MAKE money.. To pay for itself..
NOT 100,000 corrupt people working VICE carrying a badge and a gun, calling themselves COPS. They are NOT, They are perverts, though..
Double tappers!! BY BY.. No more of the type of training.. You get to shoot when you have been shot at.. ONLY.. I thought I saw a ????
too BAD!! Get behind something, protect yourself.. STUPID! Just like every other citizen does with any sense.. YOU get to shoot at someone when they shoot AT YOU. NOT WITH A cell phone.
10,000 times now I’ve heard "I THOUGH...BANG"!! Not Bang, now I know to shoot back from BEHIND my car. You know like in the movies.. HARRY!! Well he might not have hidden to many times.. BUT usually he got shot at at least.. Didn't he have a jar with spent lead or something..
Catch a rapist, murder or THIEVES burning down towns...
A thief will KILL, there is NO DIFFERENCE.
In other words, DO THE HARD THING, NOT THE EASY and the GOOD citizens LIKE me will back you till the day I move on to TAX FREE HEAVEN.. Everything is already paid for.. no debt.. NO CREDIT..
Song and dance 24/7/>>>>>>
Once you tackle the hard issues the easy will fall into place.. LIKE learning a vehicle is far more likely to KILL someone than a gun..
NOW put the TWO together with a badge staring at a center console, PICKING up on local PD gossip, as they drive by TENTS and BBQ pits all over the town they are sworn to PROTECT.. TOWNS not county land or private land but in TOWNS..
The old way was simple. You don’t own property here, you don’t rent here, you don’t stay here. YOU stay on county land or camping areas, like the the friggin hobos did for the last 250 years.
I don’t care that people don’t have homes or want to work.. Go do it somewhere ELSE.. I have work for 3 WEEKS at my house, can’t find a BUM to help..
They actually use to knock on the door for work.. I NEVER turned one down. NOW they just look in my garbage can, while pushing a 1000.00 usd Lucky’s push cart.. My how thing have changed.. They use to arrest people for stealing shopping carts.. Grand Theft. NOW!! I’ve seen 10 in a CONVOY for God sakes.. They just need CB and a call sign.. OPS! They have Cell Phones..
CRAP!! Got my Tourette’s kickin’
EXAMPLE being, when people SEE people in authority ABUSE their authority, you get what you LET HAPPEN..
How many people are still doing time behind CANNABIS that were arrested by some drunkin’ A$$ who will probably go home and abuse someone else..
The good PEOPLE get corrupted by SO MANY cowardly actions and cowardly laws. VICE law enforcement is a haven for corrupt PEOPLE..
You regulate VICE, period, with reasonable taxes, SAEFTY and a HARM reduction policy to the citizen. NOT TO MAKE money.. To pay for itself..
NOT 100,000 corrupt people working VICE carrying a badge and a gun, calling themselves COPS. They are NOT, They are perverts, though..
Double tappers!! BY BY.. No more of the type of training.. You get to shoot when you have been shot at.. ONLY.. I thought I saw a ????
too BAD!! Get behind something, protect yourself.. STUPID! Just like every other citizen does with any sense.. YOU get to shoot at someone when they shoot AT YOU. NOT WITH A cell phone.
10,000 times now I’ve heard "I THOUGH...BANG"!! Not Bang, now I know to shoot back from BEHIND my car. You know like in the movies.. HARRY!! Well he might not have hidden to many times.. BUT usually he got shot at at least.. Didn't he have a jar with spent lead or something..
Catch a rapist, murder or THIEVES burning down towns...
A thief will KILL, there is NO DIFFERENCE.
In other words, DO THE HARD THING, NOT THE EASY and the GOOD citizens LIKE me will back you till the day I move on to TAX FREE HEAVEN.. Everything is already paid for.. no debt.. NO CREDIT..
Song and dance 24/7/>>>>>>
Once you tackle the hard issues the easy will fall into place.. LIKE learning a vehicle is far more likely to KILL someone than a gun..
NOW put the TWO together with a badge staring at a center console, PICKING up on local PD gossip, as they drive by TENTS and BBQ pits all over the town they are sworn to PROTECT.. TOWNS not county land or private land but in TOWNS..
The old way was simple. You don’t own property here, you don’t rent here, you don’t stay here. YOU stay on county land or camping areas, like the the friggin hobos did for the last 250 years.
I don’t care that people don’t have homes or want to work.. Go do it somewhere ELSE.. I have work for 3 WEEKS at my house, can’t find a BUM to help..
They actually use to knock on the door for work.. I NEVER turned one down. NOW they just look in my garbage can, while pushing a 1000.00 usd Lucky’s push cart.. My how thing have changed.. They use to arrest people for stealing shopping carts.. Grand Theft. NOW!! I’ve seen 10 in a CONVOY for God sakes.. They just need CB and a call sign.. OPS! They have Cell Phones..
CRAP!! Got my Tourette’s kickin’