Question for you B&W Guys

I know this question has been asked before.

This is my set up:

Krell FPB 400CX
KCT Pre-amp
Bryston BCD-1 CD player
Rel R328 Sub
B&W CDM 7NT Speakers

My question is I am looking to up grade my speakers. I love the sound of the B&W's. The ones I am looking at are 803N and 804N along with the S serious. I am assuming the S serious are the newer ones. Are the S's that much better then the N serious?

Thanks for your help in advance guys
I always liked the Matrix series myself..I nice pair of 801/3 or 802/3 would be the sweetspot I would look for..I realize they are an older line of B&W's but very reasonable cost and very high in performance ( per dollar spent ) ...
The only substantive difference between 804 and 803 is in the bass, 803 being better in that regard. But since you have a sub, the 804 should be just fine and you won't need to spend as much. I have the 804 Diamonds with no sub but with a punchy amp, and I think the bass is quite sufficient. As for differences in the series, I'd lean to the S over the N. The newer Diamonds are a definite step up from the S, but even though I have the Diamond series, I am not so sure the increase in the price is justified by the degree of improvement in the sound. List prices new for the Diamond series went up 50% over list prices new for the S series, that's quite a jump. One last point -- don't get confused on the series terminology. There is also an older "D" series, which is often confused with the current "Diamond" series.
Thanks Thorman. Out of all the research I've done I came up with the same conclusion. The only difference of the 803 and 804's is the base and the size of the speakers. The S serios I think would be my best bet. I must say adding a Rel sub to my system made a huge difference.
You bet Dancer: Its all personal preference for sure..I just found the musicallity of the 801 Matrix addictive..I do realize B&W has made many changes since,so I may be out of touch a bit.....
I feel compelled to correct an understatement in what I wrote yesterday. List prices for the current Diamond series did not go up by 50%; they went up much more than that. For example, the 805 monitors went from $2500 when the S was introduced to $5000 when the Diamond was introduced.