Question for you B&W Guys

I know this question has been asked before.

This is my set up:

Krell FPB 400CX
KCT Pre-amp
Bryston BCD-1 CD player
Rel R328 Sub
B&W CDM 7NT Speakers

My question is I am looking to up grade my speakers. I love the sound of the B&W's. The ones I am looking at are 803N and 804N along with the S serious. I am assuming the S serious are the newer ones. Are the S's that much better then the N serious?

Thanks for your help in advance guys
Thanks guys for your help. I am going with the 804s. With the Krell FPB 400cx and the Rel sub It should make the 804s sound good. I think the more power you put on the B&Ws the better they will sound and give you better Bass.
Well, looks like there's some progress made here - Dancer's cleaned up his spellings! He's writing "bass" now instead of "base". :-) Maybe the brain-crunching to decide 803 or 804 finally undid the brain-knot that was creating incorrect spellings??

I just found the musicallity of the 801 Matrix addictive..I do realize B&W has made many changes since,so I may be out of touch a bit.....
yup, you sure did! THOSE were the best speakers B&W ever made. And, they were during the time when John Bowers himself was still alive. Every version of speaker thereafter has been worse & worse & worse sonically to the point that there is no soul left in these speakers. They are just a manuf & marketer's dream in terms of the cool materials they can use & the words that they can use to sell it to (unsuspecting) consumers. This from a former B&W owner. Of course, my personal opinion. YMMV. I know that many folks here love/like B&W. Nothing wrong with that at all......
Thorman, it's good that you're out-of-touch - it's best that way!
Wow Bombaywalla are you now giving lessons on spelling. You should know that I have been thinking of going out fishing when I posted Next time I decide to post an Idea or a thought. I'll make sure to send it to you first... Thanks teach!!! O no is my spelling correct. Maybe you can suggest spell check on
See what happens when you stay up all night doing research on 803 and 804's. You become brain dead!!!!