Has anyone heard the modified TRL/Sony DVP-NS900V

I was viewing a previous thread on this forum regarding the TRL modified Sony DVP-NS900V SACD player, but it is now gone. Has anyone had experience with this Sony SACD player?

I almost gave up on this mod and tried a power cord today that a friend had laying around. The difference was startling! Before trying this different power cord I was getting very little bass and the music had a distant quality to it. This has all evaporated with the new Power cord. I spoke with Paul of TRL today and he confirmed that this unit is extremely power cord sensitive. I am going to purchase one of their power cords to insure that I am hearing the unit as it was meant to be heard. I am anxious to get feedback from others who have done the battery option.
I have the battery powered TRL 900 coming to me. It is my intent to use a CRL Silver power cord on the player for the transport and digital stage. The battery power supply from what I have heard only applies to the analog (output) stage. I will use a Volex power cord for the battery supply since the only thing it will do is charge the battery. During playback the AC will be disconnected (although a switch will let you keep it connected if you want to trickle charge the battery).
I would love to hear your thoughts on the battery option. Paul said that it is supposed to take the player to a new level. Bob

I have the modded TRL SOny 900 unit w/o the battery option.
What power cord/gauge were you using and what did you switch to from your friend?

I use a Ven Haus Audio power cord with good results.
In addition to the CRL Silver, I'm also going to try my VH Audio Flavor 4 which has been great on my TRL Audio Mirror DAC.