My Apologies to Miller Carbon

You suggested I leave my solid state components on all the time in spite of the trickle charge when off. Today after almost 2 weeks I heard better more solid lows, more air between the instruments, less hash, etc. Miller Carbon also introduced me to the Schumann Generators (2) which I also find helpful. I have very heavy Vandersteen speakers and am deliberating those suggested springs. Thanks MC
      "Would be interesting for him to post a list of all the tweaks he tried that didn't work."    

                             #1 in Feynman's Rules of Life:

                                See failure as a beginning.
Possibly not the right thread for this...

Without being too specific in my questioning;
Will you be cooking ribs on the weekend of the 14th-15th August?
Apparently a foodie will be flying into WA from New Hampshire that weekend. Perhaps we can get you a few more good reviews?
I myself have become accustomed to Texas BBQ. Of course if you haven’t tried an Aussie works burger....

I only leave my computer server on, maybe I should leave the amp and DAC on for a week and give it a try.
Always figured the followers outnumber the haters by a sizeable number. Still, this is so gratifying to see. Also good to see most get that the humor is.... humor. Awesome thread. Love you guys! (And Krissy- but you already know that😍❤️).

asvjerry- Your name did not ring a bell so I had to check and no you are not one of the 68 who made the list. Sorry if you were neglected. Not sure if this will help or not, but I often post on a thread and then having said what I had to say never come back to it. If you ever want an answer try using my name, that sends me a Your name was mentioned, or you can always just PM.

nakam- I have ordered a Blackhawk. Wanted a Reflection. But when I got to the point of ordering and started talking with James and Dave, supply problems are such that they cannot commit to a build except to say within 6 to 18 months. The deposit on a Reflection is more than the whole cost of a Blackhawk. The Blackhawk can be exchanged for a Reflection with full credit. There is no power difference, not with my speakers, it is not like I need the extra power. That leaves sound quality, which the Blackhawk seems to have in spades.

So the Blackhawk is ordered and should be here in about 2 weeks. And then we will see.

Rick, we will be having ribs but sadly not Texas, but millercarbon style, with my special sauce, which looks exactly like Sweet Baby Ray’s but trust me its my own creation. Honest. 😉
  • play some representative noise source to keep the voice coils at temperature
  • include an RF generator to keep noise spectra
  • ensure listening room is both isothermal and isobaric
  • ensure that you consume the same food everyday
  • get the same hours rest every night
  • ...