You are correct.
Also to date they do stand apart design wise Merrill does also atmosphere from what i'm reading has spent many hours designing their Class D offering which i'm sure will be a great sounding amp.
But in the end it's the SQ, one can have the best parts but if you do not know how to maximize what you have best parts means little.
You know as i do from experience and living with the AGD's that they are great sounding, Alberto has taken advantage of what he has at his disposal. It does not take long after talking to him that he is the real deal and a very intelligent person when it comes to design and parts implementation. His upper end amps have a clear cover so one can see his design also in the so called tubes. He is very proud and deservedly so of his creations.
Some talk negative about the amps but do they have any experience with them? It's like me telling you how your care drives even though i have never been in the make or model, it also takes time to familiar yourself with a product to maximize it's potential.
It amazes me how some can form an opinion out of the air.
Also to date they do stand apart design wise Merrill does also atmosphere from what i'm reading has spent many hours designing their Class D offering which i'm sure will be a great sounding amp.
But in the end it's the SQ, one can have the best parts but if you do not know how to maximize what you have best parts means little.
You know as i do from experience and living with the AGD's that they are great sounding, Alberto has taken advantage of what he has at his disposal. It does not take long after talking to him that he is the real deal and a very intelligent person when it comes to design and parts implementation. His upper end amps have a clear cover so one can see his design also in the so called tubes. He is very proud and deservedly so of his creations.
Some talk negative about the amps but do they have any experience with them? It's like me telling you how your care drives even though i have never been in the make or model, it also takes time to familiar yourself with a product to maximize it's potential.
It amazes me how some can form an opinion out of the air.