Adding 2 Channel to my HT system and need some input on options

Looking for some input on adding a 2 channel preamp to my system.  Currently, I am using a McIntosh MX160 HT setup powered by Monoblock 1.2kwh amps and 600 watt McIntosh center.  Current speakers are Martin Logan ESL15a Electrostatic with matching ML center channel using Transparent speaker cables. I really enjoy my current setup; however, after comparing and listening to my system at 2 different dealers (for 2 channel) I have found some of the other 2 channel pre amps and amp options to deliver much more detail.  For example, I had a side by side comparison with Luxman products and heard much more detail from Luxman.  I also listened to Boulder, Audio Research, Burmeister and some others and heard the same.  I plan on Demoing the new Classe later this week....both preamp and Monoblock amps.  For granted McIntosh does not go down to 0 ohms which the ML speakers need, I think for 2 channel I need a better match of components and speakers. As I listen to more and more Jazz/classical I seem to be missing out on detail versus when I only listened primarily to Rock music. 

Currently, I listen to mostly to my Lumin D2 with Roon and a NAS which I plan on upgrading to an MSB Discrete soon after finding the correct match up front. I am not opposed to new speakers as well provided I can get more detail.  I have listened to numerous speakers and like the Kharma DBS11's,  the best soundstage I have ever heard and Wilson Alexia II for musicality.  I would go down the speaker path last, assuming I can get the front end set up correctly.

My budget for preamp and new amps would be 30ish +/- and would obviously sell the McIntosh 1.2 amps to further bring the price down.  I still want to keep the MX160 but now as a HT processor connected to the new preamp.  Later, I will probably add a phono, but do prefer the solid state sound (remain open to tubes).

A few other random thoughts....Audio Research is probably NOT my best choice for Amps since they will be on quite a bit listening to HT.  Probably not looking to keep replacing tubes.  The folks at Audio Research stated that McIntosh can work with a AR preamp but not always.  Should I look more seriously at the McIntosh SS preamp?  I'm sure I have missed some things but really need some guidance?

Thanks in advance!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwoots
Dont listen to the 2 channel purists, they know not what they preach..

Doing 2 channel with HT is really quite simple.  Get a preamp with bypass mode.  My BAT pre has this functionality, and with 2 channel listening, the HT doesn't interfere at all.  When using the HT, l&r channels play thru the BAT as a pass thru into the power amp and speakers.  The HT stuff handles the other channels.

It really is a dedicated 2 channel system that also gets used in the HT system.
The difference you seek is all in the setup. Get rid of all the junk between the speakers, pull the Martin-Logans out into the room and get the 2 channel to work properly. That really all it is. Two channel guys don’t let the limitations of watching movies get in the way of the sound, we don’t settle for a compromise, we put things where they sound best. HT is about theater, not sound.

Edit: I just looked at your system. Pull your speakers out into the room and toe them out more. You are pretty close but you'll hear huge improvements. 
Thanks vinylzone,  I definitely want to have a dedicated 2 channel system that also plays HT.   I understand that I can get a switch to use the subs on HT or  2 channel. Also, thanks max wave. MC, I will look up Townsend and Steve McCormack. Appreciate the feedback. 
"...Good point russ69..."

The flashlight technique does work btw (inner 3rd of the panel illuminates) .