Adding 2 Channel to my HT system and need some input on options

Looking for some input on adding a 2 channel preamp to my system.  Currently, I am using a McIntosh MX160 HT setup powered by Monoblock 1.2kwh amps and 600 watt McIntosh center.  Current speakers are Martin Logan ESL15a Electrostatic with matching ML center channel using Transparent speaker cables. I really enjoy my current setup; however, after comparing and listening to my system at 2 different dealers (for 2 channel) I have found some of the other 2 channel pre amps and amp options to deliver much more detail.  For example, I had a side by side comparison with Luxman products and heard much more detail from Luxman.  I also listened to Boulder, Audio Research, Burmeister and some others and heard the same.  I plan on Demoing the new Classe later this week....both preamp and Monoblock amps.  For granted McIntosh does not go down to 0 ohms which the ML speakers need, I think for 2 channel I need a better match of components and speakers. As I listen to more and more Jazz/classical I seem to be missing out on detail versus when I only listened primarily to Rock music. 

Currently, I listen to mostly to my Lumin D2 with Roon and a NAS which I plan on upgrading to an MSB Discrete soon after finding the correct match up front. I am not opposed to new speakers as well provided I can get more detail.  I have listened to numerous speakers and like the Kharma DBS11's,  the best soundstage I have ever heard and Wilson Alexia II for musicality.  I would go down the speaker path last, assuming I can get the front end set up correctly.

My budget for preamp and new amps would be 30ish +/- and would obviously sell the McIntosh 1.2 amps to further bring the price down.  I still want to keep the MX160 but now as a HT processor connected to the new preamp.  Later, I will probably add a phono, but do prefer the solid state sound (remain open to tubes).

A few other random thoughts....Audio Research is probably NOT my best choice for Amps since they will be on quite a bit listening to HT.  Probably not looking to keep replacing tubes.  The folks at Audio Research stated that McIntosh can work with a AR preamp but not always.  Should I look more seriously at the McIntosh SS preamp?  I'm sure I have missed some things but really need some guidance?

Thanks in advance!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwoots
"...Good point russ69..."

The flashlight technique does work btw (inner 3rd of the panel illuminates) . 
I had a Mcintosh HT and tried adding two channel. Finally went whole two channel with Luxman and never looked back. Millercarbon is 100% correct. Sorry guys for adding to Mr. Carbon’s ego.