"Warm" sounding digital interconncect

Hi folks, I'm selling my Purist Audio Design Dominus AES/EBU digital cable because I think it has less PRaT and sounds less lively (too laid back for my taste) than the Wireworld Gold Starlight SPDIF digital cable. I know, the Wireworld is much cheaper than the PAD, but I like it more. I wonder if you know another digital interconnect that has plenty of PRaT and sounds warm and full throughout the midrange? To me a bit too forward is better than too laid back sound as I'm getting sleepy with a too laid back sound presentation.


Try Creative Cable's "Green Hornet", probably the most widely used digital IC, or the highest-quality version, the "Silver Buller". Available through Music Direct or Essential Audio.
I agree about the CRL/FIM. I used their Digital and presently use their Speaker cable, and it may be what you're looking for. It is warm, smooth and full through the mids with good detail, PRAT and slam.

Another I really like is the Sonoran Plateau Lambda Digital in AES/EBU. Similar to the CRL in most areas, but slightly less refined (and easier to work with).

The Concierto Violin is also very good and a little more lively and forward than the others.

I presently use the Stealth Sextet and HT Cyberlight, which are the best I've used in my system. Both present a great sense of ease I've not heard with any other cables.
Try the Audience or the VD Master. I did not like the VD Night cable.

Happy Listening
I have experience with Kimber KS2020 digital cable. With this cable my original Krell KAV system sound very musical and not laid back. You might want to check it out. You can buy used for around $280. Try it and if you don't like just put it back on Agon - very popular cable indeed.
I'd have to say Virtual Dynamics Master or Revelation.
They're stiff as hell, but bend easily to shape and stay put.
Break / settle in take a long time, but worth the wait.
The music pours through, unforced, naturally warm, dimensional as all get up and slammin bass out the yang-yang.
I guarantee you won't fall asleep !