Output Power: 2 x 70 W @ 8 Ohm, 2 x 130 W @ 4 Ohm
It wasn’t mentioned
Let see what happens into 2ohm un-bridged. (bet they can’t handle it) and those Wilson’s mentioned hit 0.9ohm!!!.
Cheers George
Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?
You keep mentioning Wilson's as being hard to drive, where does this come from? I have owned Wilson's from their beginning starting with the original Wamm's and i have never found them difficult to drive even using 300B tube amps. It seems that you lack personal experience with Wilson. https://www.stereophile.com/content/wilson-audio-specialties-alexandria-xlf-loudspeaker-measurements |
You keep mentioning Wilson’s as being hard to drive, where does this come from? For someone who "says" they’ve owned Wilsons, you are not very au fait or even interested in how they measure or behave, in particular the loading they present for amps to see. And they have many models that are in that same low EPDR loading bracket. From HiFi News Lab Report |