How to remove scotch tape brown residue from album covers

Back in the day, when Vinyl was cheap and widely available someone urged me to apply scotch tape to the edge of my album covers; to better preserve them. Ugh what a mistake! Decades later the tape has turned brown and dried out. I can get the tape off but not the brown residue color left behind. Any suggestions for something to remove the brown color?

All album covers are probably not the same, but I've been successful using "Goo Gone" (available everywhere). Just don't let it sit on the paper too long!
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I prefer Bestine---created to dissolve rubber cement---over Goo Gone. I use it to remove the glue left by the price stickers I remove from used LP covers. It doesn’t stain the cover as Goo Gone sometimes does. It's sold at art supply house (and of course on Amazon).

As for inner and outer sleeves, check out Vinyl Storage Solutions in Canada. The new standard in LP protection.