VAC preamps - too expensive?

VAC makes great products so i hear.  The Linestage Master lists for $28k and next one down is Signature, for $22k.  Add $12k for a phonostage.

anybody have experience with these units?

its a marketing strategy.  Yeah the $22k Signature is very nice but for just $6k more u get a much better unit. Might as well get the Master.  Pretty clever.  Oh and they offer a line stage called the Statement for $80k and it comes with chrome and a skylight so u can view whats inside.  The Master has most of what the $80k Statement has (no skylight) so i guess the $28k Master seems a great deal.  Pretty clever.

The great thing about VAC is that they take a Formula One approach to product development.  No holds barred on the Statement preamp and then allowing much of the technology to drop down into the Renaissance MKV - which is what I own.  I picked mine up a few years ago used and less than 6 months old for $5,500.  I consider it great value for the money and wouldn't dream of swapping it out.
If you have heard their preamps, they are worth it if you have the budget.  Truly special units that deliver an image that is jaw dropping.  I have a customer who jokingly says he is going to have his casket fitted to ensure their is space for his preamp.  

There are many preamps that are at the levels that VAC competes.  Soulution, Boulder, Constellation, AVM, ARC, etc....  Lots.  None are quite VAC.  They have a sound that is unique and extremely engaging.  The other are fabulous and different, in a good or bad way depending on your preference.  

I am a dealer but have no affiliation with VAC.  I am just a fan.  
I have an Atma-Sphere MP-1 preamp with built in phono stage.
I thought that maybe VAC was the competition but think I see that, like everyone, when you get into the upper end $25K++ units, they all are just line stages with no built in phono stage.
I love my Atma tube pre that dedicates 8 of its 18 tubes to the phono stage. And it’s great to not hanve to have a separate phono stage and additional quality IC.
@mglik Always wanted to hear an MP-1 or MP-3 in my rig. On paper, a V-Capped Atma-Sphere looks like all you'd need.
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