Thoughts on VAC preamplifiers to drive D’Agostino power amplifiers? Thoughts?

Looking for opinions on using VAC preamplifiers to drive D’Agostino power amplifiers. I’ve never heard the combination but it would seem attractive on paper. Thoughts? Thank you!
ebm: thanks very much for your post. Is your recommendation based on personal experience with a VAC pre-D’Agostino amp in your system? Thanks!

You can only know how well a combination will play together by auditioning the combination.  I think this is particularly the case with a tube line stage feeding solid state.  Even when the components seem electrically compatible, I’ve seen instances where tubes feeding solid state is a big disappointment.  
Thanks to all. Guess I’ll take my preamp on a road trip to a D’Agostino dealer. Your points are well taken and prudent. The finest individual components, even when electrically compatible, may not be synergistic or pleasing together… especially  at the price ranges we’re speaking of! I appreciate all your helpful advice.
My friend has Vac preamp and D' Agostino amps with Magico M6 speakers sounds wonderful.