Tracking error or ??

I was listening to my Lyra Kleos last night and on one of the most dynamic records that i own ( and best sounding) an Analogue Production Sonny Rollins Way out West LP; I noticed on the second side, which is very dynamic and has some serious high frequency extension, that there seemed to be a little distortion (or over loading) that i suspect is coming from the cartridge. The Kleos is tracking at the recommended 1.8 grams and my arm is usually pretty immune to miss-tracking ( as it uses a liquid bearing). Anyone else experience the same kind of thing with the Lyra's? I wonder if a higher tracking weight might be the answer, even though Lyra recommends an exact 1.8 grams?? 
@tomic601  Thanks for the post. I haven't had a chance to try the table yet, but I have increased the AS a little. There is no exactitude to the arm adjustments, so it is probably a little bit of trial and error. I do question whether Mijostyn's point about the tonearm not being a great match for the Lyra is correct. He may have a point, but the SQ is extremely good on most LP's. Your Triplanar is a superb arm, just wish it could work on an LP12! 
@rauliruegas  While I know that the 4 Point is not exactly a uni pivot, and does attempt to do away with the issue of 'rotating on the point' that afflicts the true uni pivot design, I think it has much more in common with a uni pivot than a gimbal design. 
Well you can always wear the Kleos out and go another route on the replacement…

best of wishes for musical happiness 
@tomic601  Wearing out the Kleos is not really part of my plan. I have considered jumping ship on the Linn, simply due to its severely hobbled tonearm scenario, but i still like the basic platform. ( plus, with the new Karousel bearing, it sounds better than ever!) There is a new Naim Aro on the market, this with their new table combo. I am hoping that Naim will consider selling the Aro separately. Otherwise, it is the old war horse---Ekos SE/1
I had similar problem on one of my LP, A long long time by Linda Ronstadt, I play it with different table, same problem, found out the problem is a worn out track...