Theta Data Basic II cd transport Reliability ?

Hello Everyone
I have a Theta data basic II on loan from a dealer , the unit appears to operate fine and it has come from a good home , i currently have a Rega planet 2000 with clock upgrade but the Theta is a step up in sound i am using a Van Den Hul digital cable , i am a bit worried from what i read on the web forums, many are saying to stay away because of spare parts problems with the phillips cdm9 transport mechanism and laser , my question is how reliable are these transports as i have never had a cd transport mechanism fail , i even have a Luxman D-105u from 1990 and the transport mechanism is still fine , any opinions would be most welcome. Cheers Phil.
Knock on wood, I bought my TDBII new in '96 and nary a problem so far. For the last three years it has served as my secondary transport to the Accustic Arts Drive 1 but it still does get regular use. YMMV.
Thanks for the responses , i was told that the new Musical fidelity sacd players transport is now no longer made ? Makes you wonder if new cd transports will made for much longer or will they just be dvd based ? I guess there must be spare parts for the Theta DBII if you search around as i understand alot of manufactures used the CDM9 transport in there players. Cheers.
I can get a CEC TL51x cd transport for $1700Aus i have read good reports on this unit and no problems servicing . Any Opinions on this one . Cheers Phil.
You can buy a Philips CDM-9 mechanism, buy you can't get the CDM-9Pro - and that is the one used in TB/TBII.

CEC51 is nice, although some ppl reported problems reading CDRs. It is still servicable though - it uses popular Sanyo laser (15$ part).
Thanks Elberoth , i will e.mail the agent for CEC here in Australia , the unit im looking at is the latest model transport so i guess cdrs should be no problem , shame about the Theta issues i relly was taken by the sound of that player :( . Cheers Phil.