Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?

I am certainly biased by my lifetime final amp being a Class D. But I know that after 30+ years of development, Class D seems to be on a high plain. I know there are now many, many companies focusing on Class D and, maybe, a good handful already as good as it gets. My Class D amp is as smooth and beautifully musical as a great tube amp and as punchy and detailed as a great SS amp. I am satisfied and done with my search. A class D amp has effectively taken me off the amp merry-go-round. It’s about time after 50 years. And, for me, this Class D is a milestone. Will all other classes of amps fade away?
I’m a ham radio operator and it generated RFI which was picked up by my transceiver. Went back to class A/B and now no noise.

You can check this yourself, get a portable "am radio" tune it around between 500-700khz "unmuted" turn up the volume, and go near your Class-D amps speaker terminals with it and even switchmode wall warts, and listen to it scream.
This is "what it looks like" on Stereophiles oscilloscope square wave shot (top pic)

But now Stereophile don’t show that pic anymore and filter it out with their AP test gear filters so you don’t see it, which should not be allowed, in my books as it's not representative of what comes out the amps speaker output.
They say it’s because the noise overloads the AP gear, but that’s bs because they didn’t use it years ago, with the same gear, and if it does then they should fix it not hide it.

Cheers George
If he believes this that’s fine - nice for him if it makes him happy.  I believe these perceptions to be (almost) completely subjective though.  
Not necessarily! It will sound like a tube amp if it has the same distortion signature and if you look at AGD's webpage for the product you'll see he published that. Not unlike an SET distortion signature... This is the sort of thing that's easily measured and heard.
Ahhh..Please reserve the term " Beta production" for software/mainstream tech ..NOT for the art of domestic audio....please
:)  Pretty funny
I liked the sound but I'm a ham radio operator and it generated RFI 
I had a class D amp in a subwoofer that interfered with FM reception! I got rid of it for the same reason. They're not supposed to do that and a properly built class D won't.


"We've already done that- been working on it for the last 4 years. We're in Beta production right now."

congratulations Ralph, I'm sure that it would be GREAT.  I'd love to beta test one.  
Man alive...
The more time i spend here the more it feels like a bunch of geezers trying to hang onto the old tech and talk about how $5k cables augment sound.

This might be the wrong place for me.
Man alive...
The more time i spend here the more it feels like a bunch of geezers trying to hang onto the old tech and talk about how $5k cables augment sound.

What do you think satellite TV comes from vacuum tubes. Satellites use vacuum tubes.