Thanks to everyone I’m seeing a path forward and learning a hell of a lot along the way. I hope the thread is of value to other novices like me.
System design (to date):
everyone on this thread has been extremely helpful and generous in their thinking. I’d like to stay here on this thread to ask the question quote what preamp do you recommend for the two channel music (home theater bypass) system? Or would you prefer that I start a new thread?
System design (to date):
- Auralic Aries G1 feeding Denafrips Pontus II. (Pontus on order from factory dealer for US VinshineAudio)
- Researching preamplifier with HT (Home Theater) bypass.
- Retain Denon AVR 3700H in home theater setup
- Retain Rotel RB 1590 amplifier for use in 2 channel music setup
- Purchase 5 channel power amp for HT system.
everyone on this thread has been extremely helpful and generous in their thinking. I’d like to stay here on this thread to ask the question quote what preamp do you recommend for the two channel music (home theater bypass) system? Or would you prefer that I start a new thread?