Embrace The Joy Of Microphonic Equipment

Hi all,
Over the past couple of years I have been listening to a DIY - 4P1L Transformer Coupled Pre-Amp.

Kevin Carter of (K&K Audio) & Radu Tarta of (simplepleasuretubeamps) have both sold these pre-amps over the years.
The 4P1L when used in a transformer pre-amp application (4:1 stepdown) is still sensitive to being VERY microphonic. 

Plenty of ways to reduce & divert vibration but in the end I have come to the conclusion the microphonic nature of this valve subjectively enhances the SQ presentation. The music sounds more dynamic and more sensitive to music changes.

In a nutshell, I like this subjective presentation, goes against my traditional thinking but who cares, sometimes you are better off accepting the valves limitations and working with its natural advantage, Being a directly heated pentode (4P1L) it has a slightly more aggressive presentation and when used upstream of DHT's provide a nice harmonic combination. 

As with all things it's a balancing act, between pleasure & pain. 

Cheers Johno

       The same reason that some have swapped out quieter resistors, in their phono, preamp and amplifier circuitry, for carbon compositions.   Or: choose Paper-In-Oil for coupling capacitors.   Then: there are those British small-signal valve lovers.

        There's something about that extra warmth they find comforting.  Perhaps: embracing?

        When in the business: I had many customers, seeking that presentation.
And include Decca phono cartridges with their added ultrasonic information that gives them a sense of immediacy & pace which can be very addictive to the ear. 

 "It tests badly but sounds great !" 
          So many ways to season one's sounds and please one's aural palate.

                                             What a great hobby!
Yes rodman, we are a fortunate lot to have a hobby which provides so much pleasure regardless of background / personal belief.

Ultimately there is no final final arbiter, how u consume, listen, interpret music is up to you.

We are a very lucky country / dear I say world !

Cheers Johno
'Ultimately there is no final final arbiter, how u consume, listen, interpret music is up to you.'  @johno520 +1.

'So many ways to season one's sounds and please one's aural palate.
                  What a great hobby!'  @rodman99999 +1