Upgrade from Verity Parsifal to Parsifal Encore??

Hoping to hear from people who upgraded their original Parsifals to the Encores (tweeter and woofer change I believe).
What were the most noticeable differences?
I'm considering the upgrade but it's a little spendy. Trying to get a feel if it's a marginal difference or night and day.

I don't know if this is any help to you, but I bought a pair of the Encores 8 years ago from a Verity dealer. This was after spending 10 years buying and selling numerous speakers in various price ranges, looking for the best long-term fit. Well, purchasing the Encores pretty much ended my speaker search and I haven't had the urge to sell them in all this time. If I recall, the dealer seemed to think the Encores were a significant step beyond the original. I also remember that multiple reviewers raved about the Encores and then BOUGHT them. You might want to consider selling your Parsifals and buying the Encores used, I've seen them on Audiogon occasionally. It couldn't be much more of a hassle than sending them in for the upgrade (unless you plan to do it yourself).
I have the latest generation Parsifal Encores and have no desire to look for another speaker. I'm familiar with and have done some work for a Verity, Wilson, Magico, and Devore dealer. They are amazing speakers but Verity is the best for the value in my opinion. Devore's are cheaper, and Rockport probably presents the best challenge to my ears. Just my opinion.
I have owned both Encores and DeVore 0/96's. The Verity is a great speaker, and I would never say I will never look back. In fact, the Encores are quite special. I have had the DeVores for considerably less time, and am reworking my system around them. I am enjoying them very much, and of course they have allowed me to use much lower powered amps. That said, it has been a fun venture, and these two speakers have been my favorite. I have heard the Rockports several times, and think they are excellent, but at a higher price point. I heard the Ankaa, and older Antare. The latter is simply killer.
Bjesien- Could you explain your last comment about Rockport. Sorry, but I didn't understand what you meant. All the Best -Don