Larsen speakers: 4.2 or 6.2??. Has anyone heard or own them??

I would like to know if anyone has auditioned or owns either the above Larsen speakers. If so, is there a major difference in the sound quality between the two models which would warrant spending over $2200 more for the 6.2 speaker  

(There is a large price difference: approx. $2200  vs $4400. Seems like a lot of money for a two way speaker despite the fact that the design eliminates most placement problems and can be placed against the wall ( so say the few reviews I read of both models)

 How might they compete with either the Ohm Walsh Tall, or Magneplanar. 7 or 1.7i ?.   From what I recently read  both Magneplanars do not work well in small or even average medium rooms, and require a lot of placement adjustments to get them to sound right



Thanks for the update S.J., glad you took the time to listen to the Larsen, regardless of if you end up with a pair or not. Most wouldn’t have even bothered, so good for you! Hopefully you will find what you are listening for! 
Picking up on this thread, found it because I have the same question as the OP, different circumstance. My room is 17x17x9. Speakers have to be 8-10 apart, one near a corner, other about 6 feet from. I will be almost 15 feet away, off center a bit. Right now I have Ascend Acoustic Sierra 2s. Plenty nice enough for me. BUT I have to have them out from the wall and eat up too much floor. So looking for something against the wall. In another room I have had Allison CD8s for 30+ years. Great. They were great in a big living room too, wide apart. Now in a smaller den with oddball walls, even better. I like the way they put the music up in the air in front of me, in between the speakers. Will the Larsens do that? The ohm walsh's? The others mentioned are out of my league, I would like to stay 2000-is or less, used or new. I run the Allison's with a sub. And the Sierras with one also.  Thanks for any ideas.
Every room is different overall, and not always easy to make any kind of blanket statement, or even best guess. Corners can be problematic for many speakers. 

In your situation, my best guess is that the Larsen’s may work slightly better than the Ohms, as Larsen project sound a bit more up and out, versus the Ohm. Again, purely speculation on my part in your situation, even though I have owned both Larsen and Ohm. 

As always, try to get a home demo if at all possible, which one can with Ohms. Just might be a long wait for a pair unless you find a used pair somewhere. Both can be found used, so might be worth a punt!