Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund?

Ordered a McIntosh MA8900 from my dealer in December. First one had cosmetic damage out of the box so they swapped it out for a new one. The new one won't power on (just get the standby light). McIntosh said they would replace it again but I'm frankly done, just want my money back at this point. The dealer has a no refunds policy. Should I accept a 3rd new unit or insist on a refund?
I would have the dealer get a third one but I would make it clear, third strike and I'm out. I would talk to him first and then I would text or email him a summary of your conversation. Start out with "as we discussed...."
Digital Mac's don't hold value. Sure get a 3rd, you must be looking for punishment.
After the 2nd defective unit, I would have demanded a refund, and contacted the cc company.   No refund policy on your hard earned money is bullkaka. 
 Run away and get a better unit.

  Ayre, McCormack, NAD, parasound ETC!