Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?
Quantum anything means "not seen but there". SO what WE think we see is NOT in reality, what is really there, AT ALL.

In other words what you SEE is NOT what you ARE on the quantum level.

Science is evolving as do ALL things. Weather it's digressive or aggressive, it makes no difference.

WE the biomasses called "Humans" MOVE ON.

Even the "Dark ages" and the USSR had merit. It shows how WE as a RACE of people no matter WHERE we are, WILL not stay the same.
We will change, we will GROW...

Into WHAT. That is the BIG question.. I'm lookin' UP, and the heavens are gazing BACK..

Life on this Earth and on this 4th of July is GOOD. Thanks to science..
I prefer applied science. I'm tired of figuring things out.

What do you mix to get ORANGE again?  BLUE and RED of course.
AND you thought it was REDS and YELLOW, close!!!

Happy Happy
Even understanding in the Biological Sciences has been expanded/deepened, through the studies of QM, regarding how the senses and brain function, in many areas.


I don’t see Floyd Toole - an actual scientist- appealing to QM in his science of psycho-acoustics. You know something he doesn’t? What would that be?

BUT: it’s been the history of science and invention; scoffers and naysayers WILL ALWAYS abound!

You keep invoking science.

What is it that has been scientifically established, that you think anyone is scoffing at?

What’s your actual point. Can you be clear, maybe with some actually relevant example, rather than vague waving to Quantum Mechanics, which just happens to be the de rigueur move for countless crackpot theories? (I’d be a millionaire if I had 10 cents for every new age purveyor appealing to the mystery of quantum mechanics).

   That you're unaware (poof) and need to be led by the hand (or nose, as the case may be), proves my point (you're a poser).

    I'd discuss QED, Electrical Theory and the proofs that there's much more going on, than shoving electrons through wires, but: it would clearly be a waste of keystrokes.

     Regarding the senses: not that I actually expect you to read anything, lest you awaken from your educational coma, but:




   This one may not apply, as you (et al) obviously have trouble with your synapses:


    Once again: "My position has always been: with what we've learned from the studies and advancements, related to QM and QED: there are a multitude of POSSIBILITIES; as to why we MAY hear the things we do, when listening to our own systems, in our own rooms, with our own ears, and our various add-ons."

     What is it about POSSIBILITIES, that triggers the Naysayer Church's popes, so?
                                        OH: I get it:  

                                       It's HERESY!

     ps: I don't post such things, expecting to enlighten the willfully ignorant.    I just believe someone else may be interested in what's been going on, all around us, in the realm of the sciences, for the past (100 or so) years..
"Quantum mechanics doesn't explain what you hear applying various goopy substances to cables..."

    Neither QM, nor, "Psychology", need explain that.

     As I said: that's simply a matter of improving the CONTINUITY (ie: increase contact and lower the resistance) of the connection.