Vintage vs New

My children growing older and leaving home has allowed me to get back into our common interest. I find myself wanting a new pair of speakers and I’m torn between some vintage models that interested me in easier times, but were not obtainable due to budgetary limitations, and current models with their state of the art drivers.  Case in point: B&W 801 Matrix Anniversary vs. anything in the 702/703.
I would like to hear people’s thoughts.  
"There simply was no good wire back then. No power cords, no interconnects, no speaker cables." NONSENSE!
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“ @millercarbon: Stop shilling for Tekton! “

+100 Its like being stalked.
I've had a lot of vintage speakers. When they were new or close to new.

I've owned B&W 802-6, Dunlavy Audio SCVI, Infinity RS series (ALL but Beta V), and VMPS. I still covet TWO VMPS speakers. WRRM, RM50s.

I own the RMx Elixirs, & RM30. RM40s RM2 & 626Rs and a few more will STILL blow your mind. 

Now that I've said my piece. I'd take the 801 MA over the 7 series any day.. BUT I'm not a big fan of either.

A youngster down the block is a BIG time fan of B&W. 800 3D pretty impressive. He won't tell me what he paid for them delivered, & set up, but he loves them.. VTL power amps.. He just got a 5k bill for those from Bea. Retube and checkup.. He sure told me about that.. He was smokin'.. LOL poor rich kid..

Now he want's new cables.. OK.. I said what about the room? I got that dear in the headlight stare.. KIDS!!

BTW he has had every B&W speaker ever made twice over. The whole family uses them..

Tektons sound like my toilet smells. Just MHO. 

I am not big into nostalgia. But, I only care about a narrow band of equipment which has improved dramatically over the past 30 years.  As a general rule HiFi gear has improved over the years as material sciences advance and individual components improve. Just a simple thing like switches have made vast improvements in durability. 

Speaker technology has not advanced except for a few odd ball items like the Hill Plasmatronics. You still have variations on the same themes. Still, as an example I think people prefer the new Cornwalls to the old ones. We now have diamond cones and domes. Sound Labs has continuously evolved it's speakers over the years the newer ones being significantly better. 

In regards to B+Ws I really can't say. Speakers you really have to listen to and I have heard B+Ws only in passing like at shows.