Can AVR DC Output at Preamp Outs be Increased?

Can the DC voltage output at a typical AVR be increased from a specified 1.0V output to 10V or more output Volts?

If so, would this be done by upgrading the DC voltage opamps in the preamp out section of opamps in the DC voltage section of the receiver. Or is there another way this could be accomplished?

And has anyone ever done this?
Your power amp can handle 0.75V or 2.5V at the input.  Why would you make your preamp output >10V?  It wouldn't work with you amp.

In general, it is better to put more gain in the cleaner environment (preamp), but both pre and amp have to be designed for that (like my Benchmark DAC3 and AHB2) - otherwise it doesn't make sense.

In addition it is not an issue of different opamp - they don't set the gain, circuitry around them does and changing it would be like redesigning it.
Can the DC voltage output at a typical AVR be increased from a specified 1.0V output to 10V or more output Volts?
Ideally, you want your DC voltage at the output to be as close to 0 VDC as you can get.

I am confused by the lack of comprehension regarding my question.

1. jasonbourne52, my question said NOTHING about speaker outputs or the number of channels in my AVR. And FYI, voltage DOES NOT “drive” speakers, watts drive speakers. Watts = amps TIMES volts; volts = watts DIVIDED by amps.

2. kinjaki, to state “Your power amp can handle 0.75V or 2.5V at the input” is incorrect. I presume you meant to state my power amp is RATED at 0.75V or 2.5V at the input.

3. creeds, why would I want 0 Volts DC at my output? 0 Volts DC at a PREAMP output renders it incapable of driving an external power amplifier.

To reiterate, my question my question involved increasing the voltage output at my AVR’S PREAMP outputs. As previously stated, “I wish to increase the PREAMP output of my AVR from 1.0V RMS to at least 10V RMS at all PREAMP outputs.”
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