Great Recordings, Sonically Speaking - and Why.

I think many of us would accept that artists such as Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, and Dire Straits have consistently put out music that was at least originally recorded to a high technical standard. [I'm not too sure what the loudness wars may have done to subsequent reissues, but even so, the tone and timbre thankfully tends to remain intact.]

However there must be plenty of lesser known recordings out there that could be said to be of a high sonic standard.

One such recording that I like to put on in the background whilst I'm doing other things is a piano recording that features wonderfully lush timbre and some delightful tunes.

This one is The Disney Piano Collection by Hirohashi Makiko and to me it makes a lot of other piano recordings sound a little washed out.
OP! Interesting question.

DF’s Kamikiriad is a masterpiece for recording reproduction ... along with Brother’s In Arms, let’s see ...The Wall, perhaps another.

Some groups change through the years: Rush had a couple albums, Moving Pictures (probably the pinnacle of its recordings), Signals is commendable. Then its recordings went into an era that lack lower-end presence, ala Presto, Power Windows, Roll The Bones ... fortunately the live recordings of same work atoned for previous sins!

Have appreciated Miles Davis’ work ... some live! Good stuff!!

Perhaps the flip-side of your question might prove an interesting query

I agree most of Joe Jackson's live stuff is very well recorded.
If you are a vinylphile, Rickie Lee Jones' first five albums are wonderfully recorded.
On CD, Flim and the BB's were all live direct to disc (in the studio) and have fabulous dynamics.
The Eagles Live Hell Freezes Over is exceptionally well recorded.
I do like Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac "Rumours", Donald Fagan.  I feel these are very well produced and good sounding, however, they can sound a little too "dead";  not enough hall ambience.  The first Dire Straits album is well done, i.e Six Blade Knife.  Now that is dynamic rock and roll.  Brothers in Arms sounds a little bright to me.  Best song is "Ride Across the River" sonically  Pink Floyd is very well done.  I like Buddy Miller, Ronda Vincent recordings a lot.  Lately, early Joni Mitchell seems very intimate sounding.    Peter Gabriel "So" is quite good.  If you like electronic music Kraftwerk 3D Catalogue is exceptional.  would say that the best recording I have is Dallas Wind Symphony "Trittico"  The tympanies will test your system.  I also like several of the RCA Living Stereo recordings.  I like Stokowski Rhapsodies a lot.  Also Fritz Reiner and Chicago Symphony are hard to beat. 

I have other music that is well recorded but I have to like the music to recommend.   And one has to listen to music because you like it vs good recordings, or there wouldn't be much to listen to.