Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?
"The capacity of Humans for self-deception is apparently unlimited" - Mr.Spock the Vulcan.
Another example of something noone said.

All we hear is placebo if not blind tested
The claim is what you hear COULD be expectation bias and to rule it out  blind testing is usually used.  

No answer is needed....I will not post any article about wall and Q.M. save if you ask for it and i will even explain it to you because it is a complex matter ....

You don't need to explain it to me,  my point was keep walking into the brick wall until all of your atoms and the walls atoms line up just right so you will pass through it,  though I doubt you'd have enough lifetime for it to happen.  The wall still exists, it is a material object, QM doesn't negate classical physics. People on  this forum use QM like people  used witchcraft and mercurial Gods centuries ago.
Q.M. play a fundamental role in perception like in the photosynthesis of a cell...

Who says that Q.M. negate physical acoustic? Strawman argument of simplistic mind...Nobody never says that here...sorry.... Dont read what you need for to give munition for your children war against audiophiles...

But you know that psycho-acoustic and neurophisyological acoustic are a bit more complex than physical acoustic, dont you?

And for "prof" clothed in "Science" itself it is very comical to read his children like attitude of controlled despise ( but generally polite yes thank you for that) toward very different persons who try to improve their system by basic science yes but also sometimes by creative unorthodox means....They dont merit to be accused of being gullible in mass...

You must attack some audio companies and propose them your blind test....And let us innovate in our own room at peanuts cost with shungite, 10 bucks schumann generators, ionizer at few bucks, Helmholtz resonators or diffusers made of toilet paper roll (Yes true simple science is not moved by  costly esthetical marketing at least in my room 😊) without accusing us to be ignorant and gullible.... We are TOO many here and too different to be treated like a sheeps crowd.....By the way my NO COST Helmholtz equalizer grid was fine tuned by my ears during a 3 months period.... No blind test needed....

"Science" dont exist by the way.... It is a grammatical short-hand expression for some rhetorical and cultural need...Those who think the opposite are modern zealot not skeptic but true believers...

Only exist SCIENCES in the plural with a very general methodological rule relating each fields in the most general way possible, because between psychology, electronics and cosmology or mathematics and medecine or biology the only link is an ETHICAL position of the consciousness loooking for truth....But truth is not enough for a living , in human life we need values.... And sciences are mute on the subject of value.... Your "science" used by you in a singular syntaxical mode dont exist even in the Lancet magazine or in the Nature magazine save for the means it gives to these institution to socially CONTROL and REGULATE with good effects and sometimes very negative effects..Only exist diverse sciences....not one of them owning truth... Only relative aknowledged historical facts.... And opposing to my view the argument that i defend the possibility to fly like Icarus or the possibility of walking through walls is not an argument but a sophism....

Your "science" is a theater boasting, a theatrical gesture for children here or for adults you treat like if they were children waiting for your education.... Like the gesture of past popes about their dogmas....

Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?

No doubt about it, Speakers are so hyped up, Read what Seas says about their tweeters, 
You might think they  are the most gorgeous sounding fq's in all audio, Well I can assure you, the ONLY spec you need to know in all speaker tech specs, is 
~~~Sensitivity~~~ all else is meaningless.

Science can be nothing more than propaganda  to get us to believe things that just are not true. 
Seas and sacn speaks tweeters are below 90db, = to me worthless for accurate, full rich, open musical reproduction, 
The new wide range claim they are the finest sound speakers in the world. 
Now that is not hype nor propaganda, Its the truth,. as the sens is over 92db. 
Science  is  all measuments, which have nothing whatsoever to do with the actual sound. 

The only spec that  I am interested in is 
~~Sensitivity~~ all else is meaningless jargon. 
I know the 2 wide band labs are the worlds finest spakers,,I do not need to read about them. Nor demo,. 
Watch the propaganda concerning speakers measurments. 
It may have you believing/imagining things that are just not  true. 
The real thrust, is how they actually sound. 
Thats the proof of the science. All else is bunk.

05-05-2021 7:52p