Speakers for Sophia Baby available in Italy ?

I am looking for some high efficiency small speakers that would be a good match for my 10 watt Sophia Electric Baby amplifier. My room is small and listening levels would be low. These speakers need to be available for purchase in Italy. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks Dalecrommie. I never heard of Vaughn but they are in my neighborhood so I shall contact them.
Franzschubert, have you heard the Vaughn loudspeakers already? Any impressions?

I wish Cain & Cain Abbys were available to you over there. Mine sound terrific with my Sophia Baby.
Available in Italy,small room,low listening levels & 10 wpc.tube integrated amp = Sonus Faber Toy Monitors!!!
You should take a Look at Sophia Electric made Princess model one speakers that designed for 300B single ended amplifiers(8W per channel) and Baby Amplifier(10W per channel x 2).