On my way travels to audition some of the brands you mentioned, I stopped one day at a random store and listened to the Revel F228 Be. They were driven by a pair of PS Audio BHK monoblocks and pre. Source was streaming, but I don't recall if it was the PS Audio DAC. I didn't know how good they sounded at the time, but after auditioning quite a few loudspeakers, the Performa F228 Be are very high on my list. In fact, they're just below a couple Wilson Audio offerings, the Yvette, and now the SabrinaX.
My travels to hear loudspeakers taught me something. Great speakers can sound very average when poorly set up or with a bad source, and the reverse is also true. I didn't feel like the room was overly treated or anything special was done during the my audition of the Revel loudspeakers, but they sounded pretty amazing to my ears.
My travels to hear loudspeakers taught me something. Great speakers can sound very average when poorly set up or with a bad source, and the reverse is also true. I didn't feel like the room was overly treated or anything special was done during the my audition of the Revel loudspeakers, but they sounded pretty amazing to my ears.