Will a digital transport burn my Dac

Hi everyone! I am currently using a iFi Zen Stream, using its coaxial to output to my Accuphase DC37 Dac, yesterday the Zen Stream send a lot of distorted signal to my DC37, so I wonder if The digital coaxial cable would output too much voltage to my DC 37 ? As the Zen Stream is a digital transport, not an analog machine, would it still output too much voltage like an analogue machine ? For example a preamp can output 2.0VRMS, how much does Digital coaxial out ? 
Digital coaxial output is specified at 0.6 volts, with an input voltage of 0.2 volts. It's not likely that the Zen caused a problem with the dac. Most likely the problem was or is in the source material to the Zen.
I send my Zen Stream back to my dealer and it was totally inactive , to be honest I am kinda upset with it. 

Also my DC37 is working fine, I am just wondering would a digital spdif could send too much voltage to burn a Dac. I always hear that the preamp send too much voltage to burn a power amp, but never heard of a spdif out burns a preamp. Just wanna know it that’s actually possible