New Thread on Steve Hoffman website that says Audiogon sucks

The funny thing is I feel the say way about the Hoffman site. I think it sucks!

I believe you need help. You seem a bit obsessed. Just a wee bit.

Below are answers to your questions

1. What do you think is causing such high crime in Chicago?
A) bad remastering or the pizza dough is too thick

2. Are you comfortable with all the Covid 19 Vaccines?
A) not really, its cold in there with the vaccines

3. Do you believe everyone should be required to take the Covid 19 Vaccine?
A) you shouldnt, everyone else maybe

4. What is your opinion on the Covid 19 Vaccine being labeled as an emergency experimental vaccine?
A) its kindof cool

5. Are you satisfied with the present amount of adverse reactions to the Covid 19 vaccine?
A) you mean from people who afraid to take it?

6. Have you ever experienced a negative reaction from any Covid 19 vaccine?
A) none other than I now worry about those obsessed with Steve Hoffman when I was once ambivalent

7. Do you believe the United States is doing enough to treat the Covid 19 virus in it’s early stages?
A) i think then president drumpf declared it fake

8. Do you support allowing Transgender participation in the Olympics this year?
A) who knew you were an athlete?

9. Do you support allowing Transgender participation in high school sports?
A) imdo believe they should be students

10. Do you believe more gun legislation is needed in our country?
A) of course not, that is unless we begin experiencing school shootings, church shootings, movie theater shootings, grocery store shootings…then, maybe it should at least be discussed

11. Do you believe New York’s economy is improving?
A) yes

12. Do you believe the Jan 6th 2021 demonstration at the Capitol was an attack?
A) demonstrations like january 6th are really something to be proud of if your parents happen to be brother and sister, otherwise, it was probably an attack

13. Do you believe the WOKE movement is good for our country?
A) isnt proper usage “Woken”? Anyway, the opposite of woke is to be asleep…
14. Do you believe Antifa is a good organization?
A) no one but fascists would likely have a problem

15. Do you believe BLM is a good organization?
A) i think the bureau of land management means well

16. Do you believe certain groups are being targeted by the police?
A) i think certain paranoid groups already are

17. Which networks do you trust for your news reporting?
A) comedy central, gee I miss John Stewart

18. Which news networks have the lowest ratings and why do they have low ratings?
A) fox or ethernet….can you repeat the question

19. Who is your favorite news network anchor or reporter and why?
A) red barber, no one has ever called a better ballgame

20. Which news networks do you trust and why?
A) npr

now @constitutionalist you should stop letting steve hoffman live in your head for free
This is what happens when you normalize insanity and give it a platform.
If we were all living in a gigantic space station and Covid broke out, anyone who'd refuse the vaccine would have been jettisoned into space. End of story.

All the best,
You have some nice responses. It is clear you are indeed one of his converts, carrying the Hoffman water buckets. All that stuff and you have not posted one thing yet in that  "OFF TOPIC portion of the Forum. Your silly answers did not take the place of taking the test, come on, take the test, post a Thread!

I gave you multiple topics to just start your thread , and you would be one that ends up with 10 pages, as you would be giving all the far left answers answers, are you Steve’s best buddy?
Excellent points as above. The SH Forums has Communist undertones to be sure. I found SH, as a person, a scumbag for not funding his own venture.  Asking for "donations" was a complete turnoff for me.

Happy Listening!
Giving yourself the handle, constitutionalist, doesn’t make you one. You’re not one to dictate anything to anyone. I just cut to the chase.
You’re not all there.

If smallpox was ravaging the countryside, would you be stupid enough to refuse the vaccine? You’d either take it or you would die. You have no constitutional right to infect others.

The Covid vaccine is a medical decision and not a political one, unless you plan on killing lots of people. Just when did you lose it?

As for topics on Steve Hoffman forums, I don’t have the faintest notion what you’re raving about but if what you say is true, then hats off for Steve and his mods for kicking a troll like you off his forums.

The internet is full of things like you and it’s too bad you thought you’d come here and turn this into some kind of demented farcebook posting.

All the best,