Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?
lhasaguy263 posts07-06-2021 7:51amI have read perhaps 30% of this thread, so excuse me if this post is redundant. I would like to suggest that science clearly has an effect that is demonstrable in many ways. However, the complexity that cannot be quantified and is one of the primary drivers of diverse opinions cannot be measured.

Each individual hears things differently due to having ears that have different abilities to process the signals being received. This is then assimilated by the brain, a vastly complex organ whereby two people can listen to the same thing and react very different.y to the same input. Implicit to the brains though created I. Response to the sound received are psychological components with regard to a variety of biases.

This might partially explain why some like horns, others enjoy planar speakers and yet others enjoy enclosed box speakers. The same is true for all components and the complexities synergy among those components.

Science can create better and better resolution, yet what sounds “best” is beyond anyone’s ability to create an element that spunds “Best” to everyone. Thus, we have the never ending arguments (to the joy of this forum) as to why their preference is better than yours.

Aint buying any of your ideas.

This sounds so so cliche, Just a  sweet sounding  truism which many here might well believe. 
Only in Jungian psychology is The Individual is the most critical factor. 
In speaker fidelity, no such thing as each his own. 
This fallacy reduces true high fidelity down to   never becomming defined and understood as a  objective fact , which is opposed to subjective faulty, biased opinion.

Science might tell us all the specs in graphs, measurements, other baloney to lead us astray...
In the end only the astute, qualified, highly sensitive judgement can say how the speaker really truthfully sounds.
By what standard shall we use?
That of the 1920’s Field Coils
These designs set the standards, and so we employ wide band as the judge against which all other speakers are rated.
= Xover designs fail miserably due to IN-Efficiency.
By low sensitivity they are crippled from voicing true bonifide high fidelity.
There is no such thing as to ecah his own tastes.
Thats baloney
Obviously you , among most here on audiogon, have never in your life heard a true high sensitivity driver.

Measurments can not tell how how a speaker will sound, The only most important spec is the sensitivity rating.
This is the only spec that can give us some inkiling of a idea how the speaker responds to the source energy.

Low sensitivity = distortion,
High sensitivity = true high fidelity.

Wide band/High sensitivity is The Bench mark against which all other designs are judged.
These wide band/full range are the speakers which define what is and is not high fidelity.

mahgister5,691 posts07-06-2021 7:58amThanks for your wise common sensical post...
My best to you....

Please note
Since when has the common opinion been  worth any value?
Only  someone unique and with higher sensibiliy  is able to say what speakers are high fidelty and those which fail the test. Sorry all speakers designs are not equal. 
There is only one design  that set the golden standard for all time.
xover designs are nothing more than propagandized commercialism , with only profits in mind. having nothing whatsoever to do with true high fidelity. 
xover speakers are fakes and frauds. 
Which the common audiophile sucked in hook/line and sinker

Since when has the common opinion been worth any value?
I thanked someone for his simple common sense post , and out of the blue you take it personally SWITCHING completely from the post content of lhasaguy that has no relation to your own posts and you come back to your OBSESSION with speakers of certain type...ad nauseam....

Please dont read my post anymore and go out in a speakers thread ...i am myself interested by matters pertaining to all audio system, and i am not interested by obsession for particular design in any piece of gear....

It is my last post answering to your compulsive behavior......

By the way we ALL know that crossX over speakers are a compromise and large band speakers may be one better solution.. but life is made of trade off....

Then all of us knowing what you speak about for already hundred of posts it is no more necessary to repeat it.... All people here could not sell their crossXover speakers to buy a large band one because you said so.... and it is the same remark about high sensitivity....Is it clear?

Or you will repeat your not so new information till the thermodynamical death of this universe?

Next time i thanks someone stay silent about my post and DONT QUOTE IT....I will thanks whom i will choose to thanks ....

It is the second time in this thread you quote me inappropriately.... i dont want a THIRD TIME....

"The capacity of Humans for self-deception is apparently unlimited" - Mr.Spock the Vulcan."

     Is the unfathomable irony, of one that IMAGINES themselves a fictional intelligence operative, posting a quote from ANOTHER fictional character, lost on anyone?

                                       Then: there's, "prof" (snort of derision)!