I’m also worried about how much of the harmonics in the music is LOST by the amp?

Of course, I don’t want gross harmonic distortion, but don’t abuse or lose the precious harmonics in the virgin recording either. No way to measure that, though, right? Thats where the ears come in…
OP it’s not hard to amplify sound or even get a pretty low THD. IMD and the ability to go from 20hz to 10khz and ONLY hear (ZERO NOISE), then POP to 10KHZ.. that is what makes an amp dynamic in it’s presentation.

I use to call it tube wind up.. LOL trying to get BASS out of a valve or a lot of the old SS and it NOT sound bloated or rob the HECK out of that "POP" I just spoke of..

Pass, Krell, SS Macs, ect. Heavy PS units.. BIG HEAVY AMP SUCKING PIGS... :-) They only CAN SERVE one thing, because they don't conserve ANYTHING.. POWER and PUNCH Dynamos!!! Sonny Liston KO power..

AWB had a song called "Cut the Cake" (?) That song tells me the story EVERY single time about a GREAT amp.. and a great set up.. If I get to tapping my feet and throw the hat on the floor.. IT’S GOOD!!!

As far a losing information, that is a source issue. Getting it to your ears that’s a different story.. The connection at the source, all the way through YOUR system and THEN is dependent on the last wall it bounced off of. The boundaries are either part of the solution or part of the problem, BEFORE it EVER hits your ears?

The idea of loosing information via source isn’t the issue, getting it to your ears correctly, IS..

The fine detail and harmonics is normally lost in the speaker and when you find a good one you will realize what you have been missing the whole time and keep an open mind because the good ones are not the new stuff!
But in a long chain of gear, it would be amazing to know what's getting lost where. At least with the final step, comparing speakers to headphones is one option. 
I took down the long answer. This shorter one is better. The amazing thing, what you are looking for that is lost is: music. A little or a lot is lost every inch of the way.

Everything matters. Go and listen. You will see.