Clean AC power

The power to my house comes from the pole on the road, then underground to a large box that I assume is a transformer. This supplies power to my house only: there are no other houses within 1000’. Does this mean that I am getting very clean power?
@jea4 - yeah when I'm opening a panel with 3 phase VAC I step to the side and have had some pretty interesting looks when I've told people to step aside and move way back, and I'll absolutely wait for them to comply.

The PPE I have worn when training for 480 three phase, gave me some idea of how dangerous even that is (high joule rating). ISOLATION. Lock out, tag out.
Anyone doing electrical work on their own home, I would highly recommend purchasing an AC detector pen.
I often use it to quickly troubleshoot motor controls, easily finds faults on three phase monitors, motor starters etc. (and then I break out the Fluke). And if it's right there I'll wave it over the conductors just to be super sure, I've absolutely isolated the correct circuit.

Almost every test in my instrumentation course I did, covered how many milliamps it took to stop a heart. 
Miller, you use the phrase "a little common sense" like it actually pertains, here. Some of the smartest people I've ever worked with were some of the most ignorant people ever when it came to household electricity. There's no magical common sense involved, a person has actually been taught, or learned, or not. The average homeowner that looks inside an electrical panel doesn't know the first thing about it. I'm not for an instant suggesting they can't learn, but it's nothing to treat in a casual manner.
Some good recipes given.  My pathway involves PPT "The Gate", OYAIDE SWO-XXX ULTIMO Wall Outlet Receptacle with carbon fiber wall plate, Patrick Cullen Crossover II power cords and Decware Zen Power Conditioner.

This has all been quite effective lowering the noise floor, blacker backgrounds and improving attack.  I've no dedicated line.
Electricity in an electrical panel is
nothing to treat in a casual manner.
.On that I can 100% agree.
+1 on the Puritan PSM156. They also have a couple of other products you can add to fix the ground going from your system. I own 2 Puritan PSM156 and the Ultimate XX power cords. This is a great place to start. If you demo it get a fully broken in unit. This takes 12 days. After you plug in your gear you will need about 12 hours for your caps to charge back up in your gear. The filtration in this thing is insane with no negative sound effects. Just pure bliss. If you have an electrician modify or add a dedicated line have him put it on the side of the panel with the least amount of noise. No refrigerators, no HVAC units, no washers or dryers. Basically things that create noise and are on a lot. Power cords make a huge difference going to your equipment to help with RFI. If you are in the Chicagoland area and want to demo the Puritan this store lets you try before you buy.
Be warned you will sell anything to buy this. At $2300 it’s not cheap. It’s just perfect. I replaced my two Furman power conditioners with the Puritans.