Balanced Passive Pre Amp

Hello everyone.  

Can anyone recommend a relatively decent balanced passive pre amplifier? My active speakers are balanced only. My DAC is also balanced but has no volume control. Since all I really need is volume control... I Was hoping to keep it under $200. I see a few Chinese items on Amazon that fit the bill but they seem to have a dollar store quality to them that makes me cringe. 
Hello tmac1700. You need the output of the preamp to be balanced, right? Not the inputs, right? Does your DAC have RCA phono plug outputs? If not, you may have to revert to adapters. You could add transformers to the output of the passive preamp. There's probably room in the box because there isn't much to a passive preamp. Any decent tech could do the job. Something like 10k to 50K primary and balanced output, 500 ohms to 2Kohms center tapped. Jensen will have something like that. You will lose a lot of voltage though. If you need balanced inputs on the passive preamp, that could be a real problem. Think about a good used preamp with balanced ins and outs. Good Luck!
 I use these attenuators from EVS and I recommend them highly. Can you access the back of the speaker easily? If so perhaps you could plug in directly to the speaker eliminating one pair of interconnects.  I am using mine between a balanced DAC and a balanced amp (both Benchmark). These are more expensive but there are probably less expensive options as they are made to suit each client.

+1 for Kuzmos
I owned one for a while and hated to part with it, but got a great deal on a Audio Alchemy DDP- 1 (dac/pre) and couldn't afford to keep it