Ayre DX-7 CD / DVD - Need laser head replaced - anyone know who I can pay to help me?

I have a very nice Ayre DX-7 transport that needs the laser pick up replaced. I need the part, I am told it’s an older Pioneer laser head. I need help finding the part and someone that can help me do work. Can anyone help or recommend someone? Thanks 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Yes I was surprised. There are a ton of them out there and it’s wasn’t hard. One if the benefits of their use a standard pioneer transport mechanism. 
 I wonder why Ayre doesn't know this? More interested in selling you a new one than fixing your old one? 

I know. When Charles was alive (R.I.P.) we talked over his undersight for not stocking more of those Pioneer transport mechanism(s). His thought was that the Pioneer supply chain would not diminish. It would be cool of AYRE to design/manufacture their own drive/transport mechanism.
I do love my DX-5 though.

Happy Listening!
I think manufactures should either stock replacement drives for every unit they sell or provide an extra in the box it comes in. The drive is what goes (fails) first in, probably, 99% of these devices. Also, drives are what becomes obsolete (no longer made) on a predictable basis. I tried obtaining a replacement drive for my Oppo 205 the day it arrived. "Sorry sir, those aren't for sale...". Hello people! We're trying to have a civilization here...
I wonder why Ayre doesn’t know this? More interested in selling you a new one than fixing your old one?
Any evidence for that? I’ve seen forum posts from Charles Hansen and Ryan Berry telling customers how to find replacement transports. And their long-standing upgrade program seems like strong evidence that your second question is dubious. Ayre’s customer service is top shelf.