Current deals to good to pass up!

Feel free to post links to any current deals, new or used, that we ‘goners might want to consider!
I just can't stand someone I know not getting this 2 arm plinth

together with this spinner

combined around $800. incl tax

then take your time picking a long and a short arm while the plinth is re-finished by you or a shop. 

I like mine so much I have to resist 'buy it now' everyday.

found this while looking for garage/shop amp: I need to drive 2 pairs of speakers, and wanted remote volume and a phono stage.

this Rotel is modified for remote volume, has phono stage, only 1 pair of speakers,
this listing uses the name Heroic, in lieu of Eroica, but it is the Goldring Eroica LX, at the best price I can find

same one, -10 euro on italian site

I was looking for Eroica LX because I just resurrected one in my system for a friend. A few years old, never played, he found it and he has no SUT, so here it came!

It sounds soooo good, I highly recommend it. I have been thinking of starting a thread about it. I compared it against my AT33PTG/II Line Contact on aluminum; My Shure V15Vxmr body with Jico SAS on boron.

My 3 arms/sut with 3 inputs makes comparisons so easy and quick, you just need to get the ’equal volume’ positions figured out first then off you go.

After playing several new and clean lp’s, I played my old beat up version of Eurythmics Sweet Dreams. That stylus shape gets down in the grooves, digs stuff out, it is very sensitive, it wants clean records more than the AT or Shure. Perhaps others here know more about it.