Bookshelf speakers $500 -$700

Hi all,

I am wondering if I could get some advice on a pair of bookshelf speakers to pair with an Anthem MCA20 Power Amp/TLP1 Pre. Looking for something versatile (mostly rock and jazz, with some classical thrown in).

Budget is between $500 and $700.

Cambridge Audio Aero 2 loudspeaker $549

two way 6.5 woofer

this offers the BMR mid/tweeter that goes down to 250 hz!

I read some raves about it over at AA
My search for similar quest brought me to the wonderful Adam F7 active monitors. Slightly above your budget ($898) but since they are active they do not require amp/pre. Well worth the added cost (although you could sell your amp and/or pre to fund) - they are extraordinary.
Correction my friend had Adam F7 not A7 and as Rockadanny has stated they are excellent.