Hooking up the Topaz Isolated Transformer

Hello everyone,
Could someone teach me to connect wires to the Topaz transformer please?
I would like to connect my 240V power line to the Topaz input and get 120V out of it.
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The wiring diagram is clear, but be sure to pay attention to how the center taps are wired, that is what changes it from being isolation to step down.
I think I am able to connect wires myself. I have ran 4 dedicated lines from the main panel to my music room without any help.
But before I start, I still really need help from our community to confirm the connections in the diagram is correct. The reason I am asking is because when I open up the unit, I saw the shield wire hooked up to X4 and H4 which contradicts to the diagram.
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But before I start, I still really need help from our community to confirm the connections in the diagram is correct. The reason I am asking is because when I open up the unit, I saw the shield wire hooked up to X4 and H4 which contradicts to the diagram.
OK.This diagram show S1 and S2, the connection still the same, parallel=120V, in series=240V