OP, you’re good to go! I have a slightly different arrangement but my system also uses a woofer with a high-pass filter. In my system I’m using a vintage RH Labs sub which is powered by the amp. So my set up is like this:
Sources to Preamp
Pre to power amp
Power amp to woofer
Woofer to speakers (Electrostatic panels)
The filter and crossover are in the woofer. The removes the low frequency load from the electrostats which they aren’t the best at reproducing. The similarity between our two systems is that they both use a high-pass filter and your sub-woofer is powered.
Thank you for the tip on a powered sub with high-pass filter! I had asked about something like that on here a couple months ago but all I got were referrals to RHEL subs which don’t have a high pass filter. What I want to do is remove the low frequency load from my tube amp and let a powered woofer handle that duty. You’ve just given me a way to do that! The Sunfire SDS-12
Happy listening.
Sources to Preamp
Pre to power amp
Power amp to woofer
Woofer to speakers (Electrostatic panels)
The filter and crossover are in the woofer. The removes the low frequency load from the electrostats which they aren’t the best at reproducing. The similarity between our two systems is that they both use a high-pass filter and your sub-woofer is powered.
Thank you for the tip on a powered sub with high-pass filter! I had asked about something like that on here a couple months ago but all I got were referrals to RHEL subs which don’t have a high pass filter. What I want to do is remove the low frequency load from my tube amp and let a powered woofer handle that duty. You’ve just given me a way to do that! The Sunfire SDS-12
Happy listening.