Channel D Lino C vs. Sutherland Little Loco

Did anybody have chance to compare above two phono stages?
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What about you chakster?

A provocative post, you know that everything Chakster owns is the best ever made....

until his next purchase.

His moniker should be Raul Junior.

@chakster , unless you have no music recorded after 1985, of course you listen to digital on your system. The DAC is before the phonostage instead of after the file.

Luckily I don’t care about most of the music recorded even in the 80’s.

90% of my records are from the 70’s if you read my posts on audiogon you should know!

I don’t care about reissues and digital.

My passion is true analog, so my records are records, not CDs pressed on vinyl :))
A provocative post, you know that everything Chakster owns is the best ever made.... until his next purchase.

@dover You know more about my next purchase than myself? Because my best list of cartridges does not changed. I’m open for new discoveries, but my top list of MM is hard to beat.

The sense is to use the lowest possible by each cart. The ratio is ’’the higher the amplification the higher distortions’’.The choices
are: 40 dB ( for MM) than 50dB , than 60 dB and 69 dB. For those among us with many cartridges with various ouputs this looks very attractive. What about you chakster?

@nandric  Gold Note PH-10 MM/MC phono stage with optional gain is universal, but I use high gain only for Ortofon MC2000 cartridge (exceptionally low output).

I have no gain in my line level preamps (they are passive), but my speakers are ~100db (super high efficient) and my power amps are under 2 watts (Triod tubes) or 5-30 watts (Solid State).

Gain is not my problem, volume control knob at 50-60% max with any cartridge.
Dear Dover, I think Marx invented the expression ''accumulation of
capital''. But, in some sense, every collector ''accumulate'' his
''darlings''. Now regarding my slavic brother I am not shure which
are his darlings?  Anyway he is my darling; the younger brother. 
However he is not younger Raul but new Raul.
The 47 Labs phono cube is very interesting, as current-drive phono stages go, but sadly it is out of production for at least a year or more. What makes it interesting is that, although many manufacturers claim that their current mode phono stage has "zero" input impedance, in fact none of them achieve that goal. (To their credit, the Lino people do not make that claim.) In fact, it would be impossible to achieve it, since zero impedance is tantamount to a short circuit to ground, a mute switch. There has to be at least some very low impedance at the input. With that said, the 47 Labs cube comes closest to a true zero input impedance of any that I investigated a few years ago. The closer you can get to zero (without actually getting there), the more it can be said that the unit is current-driven or to put it another way, the more efficiently will the current output of the cartridge be converted to a voltage at the output of the phono stage.  If it were me, and if price was not an issue, I would take a shot and go for the Lino, assuming you own a second phono stage to accommodate any cartridges that do not qualify for current drive. (I guess that is also assuming you use more than one cartridge, like most of the rest of us crazies.)