Looking for some help with my TT journey.. Records are looping..

Hi all,

A while back i had posted about my experience with starting a record collection and enjoying my mofi turntable.  As of late my records have started to skip, well not actual skipping but looping on a groove.

I initially though it could be a dirty record, just tried with a new one and same issue. I though the tracking force could be off and just adjusted it as it did seem a bit heavy (+0.005) but i would not imagine this much.  

What other things should I look at, could it be my cartridge, my vta, my anti-skate?  I know a newb question but most posts i search said it is a dirty record, and i am sure it is not that.

Thanks K
Do you have a scale? You cannot guess. Too light trracking will cause skips, not too heavy. Use mfg's specs.
IF your stylus is good, then it is dirty records. Especially if they are used records. I have had a very small particle stuck in the groove which would cause this. Regular cleaning wont work. This calls for identifying the particle and removing it with a toothpick. However I have never had theis happen with new records. Only used and even NM
With records, you can never be too clean. That is the biggest part. Otherwise, I agree with @russ69 about the stylus
Yeah I have a digitial scale, and just adjusted it from 1.64 to 1.58..

did a stylus clean with fluid and it seemed to track better, but sound seemed off, but this is a new record of a live recording so i have no point of reference to say it is good or bad.

That wieght seems light to me. What cartridge are you using?
BTW live albums often don’t sound as good as studio albums. Typicall 2.0 gm is normal tracking. tell me your cartridge and I’ll check for you if you’d like
OK I see you have The Voice 1.3-1.6 which is rather light. But can't disagree with the mfg. I'd call them

FWIW, I see from a previous thread, you have a "NOS Voice". Did you buy this from a reputable dealer? Do you have a Jewelers Loupe? That may help. Otherwise ask soundsmith customer service.

Jewelers Loupe - Bing
Your VTF is fine. Micro adjustments like from 1.64 to 1.58 are insignificant. BUT to the extent they do matter you are going the wrong way. Mis-tracking problems are always solved by more VTF not less. 

I do not however think that is your problem. If it is skipping to the outside for no reason (no scratch, no dirt, etc) then this is probably due to too much anti-skate. Reduce anti-skate. Do not pay any attention to what the setting is "supposed to be" just pay attention to what actually works.