@hide45, Robert Hartley? You pick strange people to be your gods.
There are people more qualified to comment on audio matters than an english major.
As for my answer, it certainly qualifies as more of an answer than what came before it and it was very specific. If you had a bit more knowledge and some decent equipment you could make yourself qualified to make statements on those assertions, maybe your definition of bright is different than mine. Anyone here with the capability can make these frequency adjustments and see if they agree. Maybe they will not and we can talk about it and perhaps come up with better definitions. But you? Just hot air I'm afraid.
There are people more qualified to comment on audio matters than an english major.
As for my answer, it certainly qualifies as more of an answer than what came before it and it was very specific. If you had a bit more knowledge and some decent equipment you could make yourself qualified to make statements on those assertions, maybe your definition of bright is different than mine. Anyone here with the capability can make these frequency adjustments and see if they agree. Maybe they will not and we can talk about it and perhaps come up with better definitions. But you? Just hot air I'm afraid.