Analog Upgrade - Where to start?

I am looking to upgrade my LP playback system.  My current system is a mixed bag of new and old: SME 20/2 turntable (from about 2005), Kuzma 4 point nine Tonearm and the SME Series V Tonearm, Dynavector MC DRT XV-1s (retipped by Soundsmith), PS Audio Stellar phono pre.  I am looking to introduce more dynamic sound, detail (without edge) and musicality.  The rest of my system supports this end.  Any suggestions on where might be the best place to start the upgrade?
Why? is something wrong? Sure sounds right. You a valve person?
Preamp, how about a Herron if you can find one.. Nothing BUT great reviews..

LOOK really cool stuff  JUST LOOK..

Decware, ZP3 its a real peach for the money.. Valves pure as the driven snow.. Point to point, ART by design alone.. Runs really cool to..

The Miyajima Kansui mc cartridge would be a significant upgrade over the Dynavector. I recommend using an SUT with it. Bellari makes a good one for ~$500 - I have one in use. The rest of your phono system is fine - no need to change it!
Agree with the vote for Space-Tech Labs. For the price paid, it’s very good. It may displace the Stellar.