What speaker has the best tweeter?

I love the AMT tweeters in my speakers. They are definitely different from other tweeters I have heard. I enjoy their openness and air. But there are qualities of other tweeters that excel in other ways. Some v pricy speakers use beryllium or diamond or diamond coated beryllium. I see that the price of, Seas I think, diamond tweeter is like $6K a pair. Then ribbons offer used. Not to mention plasma, etc.
I have no doubt there may be better tweeters out there.  For now I am thrilled with the sealed ribbon of Raidho's D series speakers, and it far exceeds (IMO) the Esotar II I had previously in a Dyn model.
Theres quite a few I like.  Seas Excel, anything plasma, ribbon or beryllium, and AMT’s…

I guess I should have just said that I dont like titanium or most klipschs…
Vandersteen carbon…..countless hours of cohesive musical bliss with zero fatigue….