Amp recommendations for Spendor

Looking at either Spendor A4 or A7 speakers and what best to drive them with.
I'd prefer the A7 since they're not all that much larger, better reviews, a bit more bass extension and easier to drive with the higher efficiency. My short list is either a Luxman integrated or possibly a Cary Audio setup of some sorts.
Room size is 15'W x 20'D. Cathedral ceilings. I'll be about 10' from the speakers. They'll easily be 3' from the back wall, 4' to 5' from side walls. Room is neutral as far as being either 'hard' or 'soft'.
I'd possibly consider the D7.2s but I believe they're a bit too much for my room size.Thanks in advance!
Thanks Kren.  I guess I'd have to find a dealer near me that actually carries both lines for that to happen.  I'm in an area where that makes it tough.  I'd probably have to drive a while to make that happen.  Most comments I read, though, state that listeners prefer the D series.  If they have the $ to afford it.Since you own the D7.2s, what is your amplifier setup?
Well I actually have D7 and D9.2 (in waiting, not in use yet) and D1. 
I run an Audio Research integrated amp with the D7 and D1. 
And the D9 will be Cambridge Edge stack. Strongly considered L590axii but was beyond what I wanted to spend 
for solid state amps

naim (above nait 5i)

luxman is fine, very good sound, if not the best value...

many to choose from if going tubes... arc c-j vac octave vaic/ayon among others

-- no affiliation to any of the above other than having had them/heard them as a hobbyist --
My local dealer sells Spendor speakers. I've heard the A4 and 7 at his store w/both Naim and Luxman gear. You can't go wrong w/either.