Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 

+1 …. Nailed it.

to the OP:

it seems like this post - and also your prior posts - are all similarly an open-ended “which is best” floated out there, when there is none. In brief: it depends.
It is entirely an alchemy of being entirely (a) bespoke system dependent; and (b) simultaneously influenced by your personal taste.

For example, I had an all-NORDOST FREY cables array that was great with my high-end floor-standers. When I recently changed speakers to HARBETHs, and I now had the opportunity to audition new-to-me a CARDAS CLEAR array with them in a direct A-B bake-off with the NORDOSTs, the CARDAS loom worked better in MY (emphasis added ) upgraded system . It’s no knock on the NORDOST: The system components ( all of source, amps, speakers, and cables ) have their own sonic signatures to manage.

Simply put, you won’t have any basis to sort out the contenders from the pretenders until you actually physically roll-up your sleeves and personally audition them. And price-point is no further yardstick for any assurance.

I equate these “what is best” threads to trolling since there is no best and in our hobby there is so much room for subjective taste And system synergy.
Tara labs Muse great highs, great bass, wonderful inner detail, deep soundstage and great dynamics.Jump on some asap!!
" I equate these “what is best” threads to trolling since there is no best and in our hobby there is so much room for subjective taste And system synergy."

Agreed, although I’d call it something other than "troll". More like the "Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right" thread.

The one side being those who post how "their" cables are neutral, and by implication their equipment and setups are neutral, and everyone else’s are "tone controls". The other, the hard of hearing crowd who claim flex sounds a well as anything out there and then get very testy and verbally abusive because some of us have functional hearing and dare state that we can hear the difference..

That is easy, it depends. On your system and values. To my tastes and system the Cardas are a touch too warm, and the Nordost are a touch on the cool side of neutral and lack bass.. I am not that familiar with the other.

I have owned a number of Cardas and have always found them on the warm side of neutral, loosing some high end details, or at least putting it in the background. I have auditioned some Nordost Frey 2… they did not work well at all with my equipment too harsh. I feel that Transparent cables and interconnects in all my systems have been neutral… with my current components a very good thing… something that was not a good thing when I had much lower level components.